Phó giáo sư - Bác sĩ
Phillip Trần
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Chuyên môn
Trợ lý cao cấp Bệnh viện Đại học Nam Cần Thơ, Trợ lý cao cấp Đại học Nam Cần Thơ, Phó Chủ tịch Hội đồng Cố vấn Y khoa
Quá trình học tập

Năm 1999 tốt nghiệp Bác sĩ Y khoa Trường Đại học Y Dược TP. Hồ Chí Minh
Năm 2009: tốt nghiệp Thạc sĩ chuyên ngành DO (College of Osteopathic Medicine) tại NYITCOM – The New York Institute of Technology, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Năm 2013: tốt nghiệp Tiến sĩ chuyên ngành DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine)
Năm 2018: Phó Giáo sư Chuyên ngành Nội khoa

Thành viên Tổ chức PHER – Tổ chức giáo dục Việt Mỹ, giúp cải tiến giáo dục y khoa tại Việt Nam

09/1999 – 09/2000: BS Tim mạch Bệnh viện Hoàn Mỹ Cửu Long
09/2000 – 09/2002: Trưởng khoa Hồi sức Cấp cứu Bệnh viện Hoàn Mỹ TP. Hồ Chí Minh
09/2002 – 04/2003: BS Thực tập sinh Khoa Tim mạch Can thiệp Bệnh viện Los Alamitos Medical Center – CA, USA
04/2003 – 05/2005: Hoàn tất văn bằng bác sĩ tương đương ECFMG tại USA
05/2005 – 05/2007: Trợ giảng Sinh viên Trường Đại học cộng đồng Miraniar College
05/2007 – 05/2009: Học Viên Thạc Sĩ Nghiên cứu Y khoa tại Đại học California, San Diego
2009 – 2013: Học Tiến sĩ Y khoa DO tại Đại học NYITCOM
2013 – 2016: Bác sĩ Nội trú Chuyên ngành Nội khoa Bệnh viện MercyOne Des Moines
2016 – 2019: Giảng viên lâm sàng khoa Nội Bệnh viện MercyOne Des Moines
2016 – 2019: BS Fellow Chuyên ngành Tim mạch học Bệnh viện MercyOne North Iowa
2018 – 2019: PGS Chuyên ngành Nội khoa (Adjunct Assistant Professor In Internal Medicine)

1. Ivabrcidine-induced TdP in patient with concurrent use of high dose Metoprolol and Diuretics; American College of Cardiology 68th on 3/17/2018. Orlando, New Orleans. Poster #233
2. A Case of In-Stent Restenosis Treated By Intracoronary Aspiration and IVUS Midwest Cardiology Forum, 10/27/2018 and 10/28/2019, Minneapolis, Minnesota
3. Large Biatrial Thrombus Traversing Through an Atrial Septal Defect. Presented at the American College of Cardiology 67th Annual Scientific Session and Expo on 3/10/2018. Orlando, FL. Poster#1150-152.
4. Cardiac Headache in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Presented at the American College of Osteopathic Internists 76th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions on 10/12/2017. Washington D.C.
5. A Saphenous Vein Graft Aneurysm and Fistula with Compression Mimicking Mitral Stenosis – Presented at the American College of Physician PROGRESS 2017:
Learning Together in the 21s’ Century: – Iowa City 10/6/2017
6. Cardiac headache in Acute Coronary Syndromes – American College of Cardiology Cardiovascular Interventions and Practice Guidelines 2017. September 21- 22 2017. Davenport, IA.. Poster #9.
7. Cardiogenic Shock in a patient with Libman-Sacks Endocarditis due to Systemic Lupus Erythematosis- American College of Cardiology Cardiovascular Interventions and Practice Guidelines 2017. September 21- 22 2017. Davenport, IA.. Poster# 10
8. Cardiac Headache in Acute Coronary Syndrome- American College of Cardiology Midwest Cardiovascular Forum: Case Based Presentations and Controversies May 20, 2017. Minneapolis, MN. Poster #4.
9. Phillip Tran, Robert Ziffra, Hoai V Nguyen, Selena- Joumal of Case Report in Internal Medicine Journal-CRIM- 05/2018 “Cardiac Fleadaehe In Acute Coronary Syndrome”
10. Tran, P., Phan, H., R Shah, S., Latif, F., & Nguyen, T.(2015). Radiation safety during interventions of coronary chronic total occlusion. Current cardiology reviews, 11(4), 314-316.
11. Tran, P., Phan, H., R Shah, S., Latif, F., & Nguyen, T. (2015). Applied pathology for interventions of coronary chronic total occlusion. Current Cardiology Reviews, 11(4), 273-276.
12. Ziffra J, Samaddar S, Murray A, Tran P. (2017). Myocardial Infarction in the Setting of Unsuspected Thrombocytopenia. Austin J Clin Case Rep, 4(3), 1122.
13. Ziffra, J. B.,Tran, P., Strattan, M., & Cookman, B.(2018). Saphenous vein graft aneurysm and fistula with compression mimicking mitral stenosis. BMJ Case Reports, 2018. bcr-2017. PMID: 29301810. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 71(11 Supplement), A2221
14. Ziffra, J. B., Tran, P., Haider, G., & Beasley, B. (2018). LARGE BIATRIAL THROMBUS TRAVERSING THROUGH AN ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECT. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 71(11 Supplement), A2286.
15. Syncope,Chapter 10, page 266. Christopher M. Bianco, Rajasekhar Nekkanti, Faisal Latif, Phan Nam Hung, Phillip Tran. Hy Tat An and Thach Nguyen
16. Aortic Stenosis, book chapter 11, page 299 Rajiv Goswami, Phillip Tran, Nguyen Lan Hieu, Aravinda Nanjundappa and Neal Kleiman- April 2016 • Management of Complex Cardiovascular Problems • 04/2016
17. Ventricular Tachycardia, Book chapter- page 233:
18. Sorin Lazar, Bao V. Ho, Phillip Tran, Pham Nhu Hung, Thomas Bump and Evgeny Shlyakhto- April 2016 • Management of Complex Cardiovascular Problems • 04/2016
19. Nguyen. T., Van Tran, H., Tran, P., Tri, T. T. T. T., & Rigatelli, G. (2015). GW26- e5419 Does heart failure cause ischemia?. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 66( 16 Supplement), C131.
20. Nguyen, T., Van Tran, IT. Tran, P., & Rigatelli, G.(2015). GW26-e5424 Deep Vein Trombosis Treated with the EKOS System. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 66( 16 Supplement), C247.
21.  Vassiliev, D., dell Avvocata, F., Rigatelli, A., Giordan, M., & Tran, P. (2016). Revascularization of TASC C/D Iliac Occlusion Extended to Common/Superficial Femoral Artery Using a Mixed Endoluminal and Subintimai Technique through the Radio-Brachial Access-GW26- e5418.
22. Ang, L.. Palakodeti, V., Khalid, A., Tsimikas, S., Idrees, Z., Tran, P.,… & Mahmud,.E. (2008). Elevated plasma fibrinogen and diabetes mellitus are associated with lower inhibition of platelet reactivity with clopidogrel. Journal of the American College o£ j Cardiology’, 52(13), 1052-1059.

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